Friday, November 20, 2015

November 20th, 2015

Why are some Americans so closed minded? I really don't understand it. We won't let in Syrian refugees because of everything that is going on with Isis, but now people are blaming Islam as the source of these terror attacks? Seriously? People are saying Islam is a religion that promotes hate, violence, and to kill others who do not believe the same as you based on things written in the Quaran. I'm pretty sure there are some nasty things written in the bible like to shun and hate homosexuals and to not have pre-marital sex; but not every Christian follows these teachings either. Muslims do not follow every minuscule detail the Quaran has printed on it. Neither do modern day Christians. And to say every Muslim is an extremist like that of the terrorists belonging to Isis is like saying that every Christian is part of the KKK or the Westboro Baptist Church. These refugees are fleeing from said extremists and we are mistaking them for the source of terror. 

Now Trump wants to brand Muslims and make them wear badges to confirm their religious identity? Are you shitting me? Are we back in Nazi Germany all over again? The even scarier aspect of this is some Americans AGREE WITH HIM. Why in the hell would this be a good idea. If someone suggested to do this to Christians WWIII would erupt instantaneously. America needs this ignorant man to get out of politics and do what he does best; go make an ass out of yourself on a reality TV show. The fact that this man has such an influence on some Americans is so frightening. It genuinely scares me. Why is the world coming to this? Why do I live in a country that refuses people in need. Governor Chris Christie said he wouldn't even let in a 3 year old Syrian orphan on the news the other day. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? Have we really been this desensitized to human suffering to not help pregnant women and children in crisis? I am afraid for the future and the world my children will live in.

End rant... (for now)

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