Friday, November 20, 2015

November 20th, 2015

Why are some Americans so closed minded? I really don't understand it. We won't let in Syrian refugees because of everything that is going on with Isis, but now people are blaming Islam as the source of these terror attacks? Seriously? People are saying Islam is a religion that promotes hate, violence, and to kill others who do not believe the same as you based on things written in the Quaran. I'm pretty sure there are some nasty things written in the bible like to shun and hate homosexuals and to not have pre-marital sex; but not every Christian follows these teachings either. Muslims do not follow every minuscule detail the Quaran has printed on it. Neither do modern day Christians. And to say every Muslim is an extremist like that of the terrorists belonging to Isis is like saying that every Christian is part of the KKK or the Westboro Baptist Church. These refugees are fleeing from said extremists and we are mistaking them for the source of terror. 

Now Trump wants to brand Muslims and make them wear badges to confirm their religious identity? Are you shitting me? Are we back in Nazi Germany all over again? The even scarier aspect of this is some Americans AGREE WITH HIM. Why in the hell would this be a good idea. If someone suggested to do this to Christians WWIII would erupt instantaneously. America needs this ignorant man to get out of politics and do what he does best; go make an ass out of yourself on a reality TV show. The fact that this man has such an influence on some Americans is so frightening. It genuinely scares me. Why is the world coming to this? Why do I live in a country that refuses people in need. Governor Chris Christie said he wouldn't even let in a 3 year old Syrian orphan on the news the other day. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? Have we really been this desensitized to human suffering to not help pregnant women and children in crisis? I am afraid for the future and the world my children will live in.

End rant... (for now)

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

November 18th, 2015

What's happening in Paris, Beirut and Lebanon is sincerely disheartening and it honestly makes me so upset that we do this to our fellow human being. I fully support the healing and growth of Paris after these horrible attacks and send my prayers to everyone effected. I understand why Paris has declared a war on Isis and honestly am not surprised. I'm just wondering when the United States will be next. I think it is extremely selfish of us to not accept at least some refugees. We claim to be some great economic and political power but we are turning away people who are being persecuted. Based on the attacks taking place all over the world, the terrorists are teen aged men or men in their early 20's. I would not be against letting in Syrian women, children and elderly into the United States whatsoever. These people do not pose a threat. It is really frustrating me how people are equating being Muslim to being a terrorist because this is not so. But I feel as though this card is played with EVERYTHING. What is even more frustrating is how people are comparing the British coming to the United States as "refugees" and slaughtering the Native Americans as being on the same basis of countries letting Syrians across their borders but THIS IS NOT EVEN THE SAME THING. I do not deny the horrible atrocities committed against the Native Americans and I feel guilty that my country is associated with this type of genocide, but in this day and age, the Syrian refugee crisis is absolutely not the same thing. In times of crisis people like to bring up almost every atrocity of the past and somehow connect it to the present chaotic state of the world. You can not relate the suffering of the Native Americans at the hands of white Europeans as being the same as Syrians fleeing from their country and other powerful nations not wanting to take them in due to fears of terrorism. THERE IS NO COMPARISON. The United States cannot pretend to act like they are for the well-being of the world's health and that they support diversity and acceptance if we won't at least take in homeless women and children. And then there is the whole argument of "there are homeless veterans/people in the United States and we need to give them homes first before we give refugees a place to live." Right, sort of. Many of these homeless veterans are homeless due to a lack of mental healthcare and mental health awareness, not due to lack of money being spent by the government to give them housing. These men and women are also not being persecuted against, blown up and shot at in the streets of their city because of terrorist groups. It honestly makes me so sad to think that these women and children do not have a place to stay because the United States refuses to take them in. Why can't we just take in these groups if we're so afraid of terrorists, and the only terrorists committing these crimes against humanity are young men. Then there is the argument of there will be terrorists among them. Guaranteed we have American citizens who are inside terrorists and are supporting what Isis has been doing.. I just feel as though as a nation we are so selfish and hypocritical . We also get involved in everything. I feel embarrassed to live in this country sometimes and just feel as though the government is always lying to us and making us feel as though we have a say in things when we actually don't.

End rant.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

November 11th, 2015

Hello anyone who sees this. I'm Hannah; a 17 year old college student. Just like every other human being, I like to bitch about things. Some of the topics that become popular in our society through social media need to be ripped a new one, and I have always felt that I am really good at this. I guarantee many people will hold views and opinions very similar to me and just not feel the need to share it. That is fine too. But I feel as though being a young, white, female college student in the United States gives me a unique perspective in comparison to my parents, and the people running this country
So to start me first rant, this whole Starbucks Red Cup thing is honestly so comical. Starbucks does not hate Jesus. Starbucks does not hate Christmas. They are not waging a war on Christmas. Everyone needs to get their candy canes out of their asses and look at it for what it is; Starbucks is trying to be all inclusive of people's religious holidays. It's that simple. I'm usually one to argue the fact that we have to be so "politically sensitive" to the point where we just sound stupid as a nation, but THIS IS NOT IMPORTANT. If this was any other month, the red would not matter, It could be Starbucks supporting the AIDS   Foundation or promoting donating blood. GET OVER IT. If it really pains you that much do not go to Starbucks. It is highly overpriced anyways. Instead of attacking a company for making every feel welcome and acknowledged around the holiday season, why don't these Christians try to but the "Christ" back in Christmas; where it has been turned into a consumerist, materialistic and watered-down version of the holiday. I, myself, do not identify as religious and am just simply horrified at how sensitive people have become. Let's focus on important things over the holidays, like making sure the poor have enough to eat and winter jackets for when it snows. Instead of spending $5 per day at Starbucks and bitching about their cup design, donate that money to your local food pantry or animal shelter. Santa isn't gunna bring you shit if you're screaming at people telling them they hate Jesus. Priorities people, priorities. 

End rant.