So to start me first rant, this whole Starbucks Red Cup thing is honestly so comical. Starbucks does not hate Jesus. Starbucks does not hate Christmas. They are not waging a war on Christmas. Everyone needs to get their candy canes out of their asses and look at it for what it is; Starbucks is trying to be all inclusive of people's religious holidays. It's that simple. I'm usually one to argue the fact that we have to be so "politically sensitive" to the point where we just sound stupid as a nation, but THIS IS NOT IMPORTANT. If this was any other month, the red would not matter, It could be Starbucks supporting the AIDS Foundation or promoting donating blood. GET OVER IT. If it really pains you that much do not go to Starbucks. It is highly overpriced anyways. Instead of attacking a company for making every feel welcome and acknowledged around the holiday season, why don't these Christians try to but the "Christ" back in Christmas; where it has been turned into a consumerist, materialistic and watered-down version of the holiday. I, myself, do not identify as religious and am just simply horrified at how sensitive people have become. Let's focus on important things over the holidays, like making sure the poor have enough to eat and winter jackets for when it snows. Instead of spending $5 per day at Starbucks and bitching about their cup design, donate that money to your local food pantry or animal shelter. Santa isn't gunna bring you shit if you're screaming at people telling them they hate Jesus. Priorities people, priorities.
End rant.
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